Submitted Dataset Records

ID Submitter Submit time File Title Description ID
44 ewommack 12/01/2020 11:45 a.m. isobank_template_MVZ_d18O_ewommack_OelECAE.csv Wommack_SSHA_O_UCB_2012_2014 Isotope data collected during Isotope Graduate Class at UCB. Accipiter striatus samples, isotope oxygen analysis conducted at UCB lab in 2012-2014. Analyses Records
63 ollieshipley27 12/03/2020 9:25 a.m. shipley_shark_bahamas_isobank_Upload_-_Copy_7LeDpyU.csv Test 1 Test 1 Analyses Records
97 bumbanian 12/04/2020 9:38 a.m. 201203_water_test1_ICj3l97.csv 2019 Groundwater and Tap Testing water data Analyses Records
141 03/16/2021 4:38 p.m. Lazzerini_et_al_2020_QfVLUf7.csv Lazzerini et al. 2020 Intratooth samples of enamel of extant sheep and goats from Mongolia, analyzed with d18O Analyses Records
242 loicnmichel 07/01/2021 9:01 a.m. AntarcticAsteroidea_IsoBank_1_UgnlesY.csv Southern Ocean sea stars 1985-2017 (1/3) Sea stars (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) are a key component of Southern Ocean benthos, with 16% of the known sea star species living there. In temperate marine environments, sea stars commonly play an important role in food webs, acting as keystone species. However, trophic ecology and functional role of Southern Ocean sea stars are still poorly known, notably due to the scarcity of large-scale studies. Here, we report 24336 trophic markers (stable isotopes and elemental contents of C, N and S of tegument and/or tube feet) and biometric (arm length, disk radius, arm to disk ratio) measurements in 2456 specimens of sea stars. Samples were collected between 12/01/1985 and 08/10/2017 in numerous locations along the Antarctic littoral and Subantarctic islands. The spatial scope of the dataset covers a significant portion of the Southern Ocean (Latitude: 47.717° South to 86.273° South ; longitude: 127.767° West to 162.201° East ; depth: 6 to 5338 m). The dataset contains 133 distinct taxa, including at least 72 accepted species spanning 51 genera, 20 families and multiple feeding guilds / functional groups (suspension feeders, sediment feeders, omnivores, predators of mobile or sessile prey). For over 600 specimens, mitochondrial CO1 genes were sequenced to confirm and/or refine taxonomic identifications, and those sequences are already publicly available through the Barcode of Life Data System. This number will grow in the future, as molecular analyses are still in progress. Overall, thanks to its large taxonomic, spatial, and temporal extent, as well as its integrative nature (combining genetic, morphological and ecological data), this dataset can be of wide interest to Southern Ocean ecologists, invertebrate zoologists, benthic ecologists, and environmental managers dealing with associated areas. Analyses Records
245 loicnmichel 07/01/2021 9:19 a.m. AntarcticAsteroidea_IsoBank_2_VA8wX8c.csv Southern Ocean sea stars 1985-2017 (2/3) Sea stars (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) are a key component of Southern Ocean benthos, with 16% of the known sea star species living there. In temperate marine environments, sea stars commonly play an important role in food webs, acting as keystone species. However, trophic ecology and functional role of Southern Ocean sea stars are still poorly known, notably due to the scarcity of large-scale studies. Here, we report 24336 trophic markers (stable isotopes and elemental contents of C, N and S of tegument and/or tube feet) and biometric (arm length, disk radius, arm to disk ratio) measurements in 2456 specimens of sea stars. Samples were collected between 12/01/1985 and 08/10/2017 in numerous locations along the Antarctic littoral and Subantarctic islands. The spatial scope of the dataset covers a significant portion of the Southern Ocean (Latitude: 47.717° South to 86.273° South ; longitude: 127.767° West to 162.201° East ; depth: 6 to 5338 m). The dataset contains 133 distinct taxa, including at least 72 accepted species spanning 51 genera, 20 families and multiple feeding guilds / functional groups (suspension feeders, sediment feeders, omnivores, predators of mobile or sessile prey). For over 600 specimens, mitochondrial CO1 genes were sequenced to confirm and/or refine taxonomic identifications, and those sequences are already publicly available through the Barcode of Life Data System. This number will grow in the future, as molecular analyses are still in progress. Overall, thanks to its large taxonomic, spatial, and temporal extent, as well as its integrative nature (combining genetic, morphological and ecological data), this dataset can be of wide interest to Southern Ocean ecologists, invertebrate zoologists, benthic ecologists, and environmental managers dealing with associated areas. Analyses Records
246 loicnmichel 07/01/2021 9:24 a.m. AntarcticAsteroidea_IsoBank_3.csv Southern Ocean sea stars 1985-2017 (3/3) Sea stars (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) are a key component of Southern Ocean benthos, with 16% of the known sea star species living there. In temperate marine environments, sea stars commonly play an important role in food webs, acting as keystone species. However, trophic ecology and functional role of Southern Ocean sea stars are still poorly known, notably due to the scarcity of large-scale studies. Here, we report 24336 trophic markers (stable isotopes and elemental contents of C, N and S of tegument and/or tube feet) and biometric (arm length, disk radius, arm to disk ratio) measurements in 2456 specimens of sea stars. Samples were collected between 12/01/1985 and 08/10/2017 in numerous locations along the Antarctic littoral and Subantarctic islands. The spatial scope of the dataset covers a significant portion of the Southern Ocean (Latitude: 47.717° South to 86.273° South ; longitude: 127.767° West to 162.201° East ; depth: 6 to 5338 m). The dataset contains 133 distinct taxa, including at least 72 accepted species spanning 51 genera, 20 families and multiple feeding guilds / functional groups (suspension feeders, sediment feeders, omnivores, predators of mobile or sessile prey). For over 600 specimens, mitochondrial CO1 genes were sequenced to confirm and/or refine taxonomic identifications, and those sequences are already publicly available through the Barcode of Life Data System. This number will grow in the future, as molecular analyses are still in progress. Overall, thanks to its large taxonomic, spatial, and temporal extent, as well as its integrative nature (combining genetic, morphological and ecological data), this dataset can be of wide interest to Southern Ocean ecologists, invertebrate zoologists, benthic ecologists, and environmental managers dealing with associated areas. Analyses Records
260 BHayden 11/05/2021 1:28 p.m. Kainz_et_al_2017_Ecosphere_ihfElL2.csv Lake Lunz foodweb Carbon and nitrogen isotope data for fish, zooplankton and benthic invertebrates sampled from Lake Lunz, Austria Analyses Records
286 NicoLubcker 11/08/2021 2:36 p.m. tblNLS_merged_SES_whisker_SI_data_UNM_selected_XWfgtaU.csv SES_test data Whisker isotopes analyzed at UNM Analyses Records
294 Geraldine_Busquets 11/08/2021 3:07 p.m. Busquets_Vass_Blue_whales_Baleen_2021_test_lYQkJHW.csv Blue_whale_bulk_baleen_isotope_data Blue whale baleen bulk tissue stable isotopes ratios of nitrogen and carbon from whales in the northeast Pacific. Analyses Records
295 11/08/2021 3:17 p.m. CH_isobank_Antofagasta_inverts_KaM5ueU.csv CH_isobank_Antofagasta_inverts Chilean coastal subtidal invertebrate C & N stable isotopes Analyses Records
326 jnpauli 12/03/2021 9:32 a.m. Manlick_carnivores_IsoBank_final.csv Great Lakes carnivores C & N data from gray wolves, coyotes, bobcats, red foxes, gray foxes, fishers, and American martens in the Great Lakes region Analyses Records
329 wholthuijzen 12/09/2021 10:59 a.m. Holthuijzen_Isobank_upload_12092021.csv Midway Atoll NWR - House Mouse Hair SI Data Stable isotope (C, N) data for hair samples of 318 adult house mice collected from Sand Island, Midway Atoll NWR from 2018-2019. Analyses Records
331 kpark12 12/09/2021 11:08 a.m. MachaisSealIsland_SeabirdCommunity.csv MachiasSealIsland_SeabirdCommunity Bulk d13C & d15N collected from seabird species breeding on Machias Seal Island, New Brunswick, Canada. Analyses Records
345 SharonHerzka 12/09/2021 11:40 a.m. Herzka_Zooplankton_data_GoM_D1HM0aW.csv Gulf of Mexico zooplankton Delta15N Zooplankton groups and size fractions from 5 cruises covering the Gulf of Mexico's deepwater region, within the Mexican Exclusive Economic Zone. Cruises range from 2010-2016. Bongo net tows from surface to 200 m. Copepods and euphausiids analyzed for three cruises, and size fractions analyzed for the other two. Bulk delta15N values reported. Analyses Records
356 jnpauli 12/10/2021 9:52 a.m. Moss_cougar_diet_IsoBank_final_9iK9Jcl.csv Front Range cougar diet C & N data from cougars and prey in Colorado's Front Range, an urban-wildland interface Analyses Records
359 abailey 12/28/2021 2:37 p.m. Water-vapor-isotopes_Greeley-Colorado_2021.csv Water vapor isotopes: Greeley, Colorado (2021) Hourly near-surface water vapor isotope ratios from the CSU-CHILL National Weather Radar Facility in Greeley, Colorado: 2021-06-08 to 2021-07-02 Analyses Records
367 jnpauli 01/12/2022 10:24 a.m. squirrel_diet_IsoBank_final_XPPPTnx.csv Wisconsin tree squirrel diet C & N data from tree squirrels and diet items collected in 2017 in Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest Analyses Records
370 jnpauli 01/18/2022 3:37 p.m. Perrig_Andean_condor_IsoBank_final_nQhrOKV.csv Andean condor diet C & N data from Andean condor feather samples and ungulate hair samples collected in San Guillermo National Park, Argentina Analyses Records
380 megcorcor 03/15/2022 4:04 p.m. Corcoran_et_al_2022_Falkland_plants_IsoBank_vzvqXHu.csv Corcoran et al., 2022, Falkland Plant Isotopes Hydrogen and carbon isotopes, and concentrations of modern plant wax n-alkanes from the Falkland Islands. Analyses Records
482 brunolinhares 07/20/2022 12:05 p.m. Isobank_LinharesBugoni_jgpqwUc.csv Island foodweb, Abrolhos archipelago, Brazil Here, d13C and d15N of several island foodweb components from the Abrolhos archipelago (Bahia state, Brazil) are reported. Samples comprise soils, C3 and C4 plants, grasshoppers, tarantulas, lizards, goats, seabirds, invasive rats, and corals. This data was used to study (1) the incorportation of seabird subsidies in terrestrial and coral-reef ecosystems, and (2) the foraging ecology of invasive black rats. The majority of terrestrial foodweb samples were collected either inside or outside seabird colonies (collection_site_id), regarding the sampling design of the study (1). Analyses Records
686 kmp 10/21/2022 11:17 p.m. Waldman_et_al_2022.csv Waldman et al 2022 Medieval German Jews Waldman, S., D. Backenroth, É. Harney, S. Flohr, N. C. Neff, G. Buckley, H. Fridman, A. Akbari, N. Rohland, S. Mallick, J. Cano Nistal J. Yu, N. Barzilai, I. Peter, G. Atzmon, H. Ostrer, T. Lencz, Y. E. Maruvka, M. Lämmerhirt, L. V. Rutgers, V. Renson, K. M. Prufer, S. Schiffels, H. Ringbauer, K. Sczech, S. Carmi, D. Reich. 2022 Genome-wide data from medieval German Jews show that the Ashkenazi founder event pre-dated the 14th century. Cell Analyses Records
765 ollieshipley27 05/18/2023 11:28 a.m. Shipley_Sandtiger_Plasma_Upload_SA6yHap.csv Data test Data test Analyses Records
798 paul_seibert 06/29/2023 11:45 a.m. ISOCAMP_G5_TEST_copy_kB4Zz0j.csv Extracted plant water IsoCamp Test Test uploading dataset to Isobank. Analyses Records
820 znickerson 12/15/2023 1:27 p.m. NEON.DP1.10086.001_RELEASE-2023_ver20231215_6sIaWRG.csv NEON: Soil isotopes (DP1.10086.001), RELEASE-2023 Full citation: NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network). Soil physical and chemical properties, periodic (DP1.10086.001), RELEASE-2023. Dataset accessed from on December 15, 2023. Short description: This data set contains carbon and nitrogen stable isotope and mass percent derived from a larger data set of soil physical and chemical properties from the top 30 cm of the profile from periodic soil core collections at NEON's terrestrial sites. Data are reported by horizon (mineral vs. organic). For more information, visit to view the data product landing page for DP1.10086.001 on the NEON Data Portal. The data product landing page provides all documentation relevant to sampling design and standard operating procedures for analysis, as well as information and links to associated data products and archival collections. Analyses Records
821 ollieshipley27 05/17/2024 9:57 a.m. Shipleyetal_Lizardfish_Data_kAy3W5R.csv Inshore Lizardfish From Continental US Data supporting Shipley et al. (2024). Carbon and nitrogen isotopes of lizardfish provide insight into regional patterns of ocean biogeochemistry across the eastern continental United States. Marine Biology. Analyses Records
872 jonkuntz 12/14/2024 6:32 p.m. Kuntz_et_al_2024.csv Kuntz et al 2024 - Shark eye lens; urea extraction Investigating eye lens composition for stable isotope analysis in fishes: A comparison between Chondrichthyes and Actinopterygii: Life history ecology provides a framework for understanding the complex interactions between organisms and their environments but is challenging to resolve for long-lived and migratory species. In fishes, the combination of movement and foraging ecology is predominantly explored with stable isotope analysis (SIA) of accretionary tissues, such as otoliths. An alternative archival tissue validated for SIA in Actinopterygii (i.e., ray-finned fishes) is the proteinaceous eye lens and its growth layers (laminae). Here, we aim to expand the SIA of laminae to include Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes; sharks, skates, rays, sawfish, and chimeras). We observe that urea in the eye lens drives patterns of elemental composition (i.e., C:N ratio) for Chondrichthyes, but the isotopic effect of urea is negligible. Actinopterygian fishes exhibit consistent C:N ratios across eye lenses, while chondrichthyan eye lens laminae C:N ratios decrease from the inner post-apoptotic laminae to outer pre-apoptotic laminae. The C:N ratios of post-urea extracted Leopard Shark eye lens laminae exhibited similar patterns to actinopterygian fishes. Urea removal from Leopard Shark eye lens laminae increased in δ15N values as expected, but the isotopic effect was within analytical error. Our results indicate the utility of chondrichthyan eye lens laminae as chronological tissues for SIA. However, there are isotopic effects dependent on urea concentrations. This study demonstrates the need for inter-taxa comparison when establishing novel methodologies in SIA. Analyses Records
876 alex.fireman 01/19/2025 9:34 a.m. Isobank_Data_Upload_A_Fireman.csv Hawksbill scute Antigua Adult female breeding hawksbill sea turtles sampled for scute (carapace) keratin tissue between 2017-2021 on Jumby Bay, Antigua. Analyses Records